I once again should be in bed getting ready for an other day, but no instead I'm enjoying a nice cup of peppermint tea. I ran outside with my hair wet this morning and now my throat hurts. I love this time of day, where I can think without interruptions. I'm feeling like my life is just passing by and there we go heading towards an other Christmas more birthdays. My baby is turning twelve in just over a week

and it is so hard to wrap my mind around it. There are days as a mom that I want to run away from everything and life becomes more than I can take, and then other days when it's all going by to fast and I want to restart everything with all that I have learned, but that's not how life works and I wouldn't be who I am now. I was talking to a girl at work who also has a 12 year old and asking if they got along well ( trying to make conversation) and then she starts describing her daughter with swear words after every two words and after 10 minutes goes" I guess not!" I really didn't know what to say. My baby has her faults like everyone else but she is truly an amazing girl full of love and compassion and weeks like this when we have so much on the go, I don't think I could survive without her.

She comes home from school today and says I'm here to help what do you want me to do? last night after I came back from my waitressing I gave the kids their allowance which was exactly what I had made that night (not a long night) and she didn't want to take it. She said I can't take your money that you worked so hard for! I am so thankful to God for her beautiful heart and hope I can be the mom and friend she will need in the years to come.