Well everyone's updating so got to follow the crowd :) it's been two months since I last blogged. We've had 3 b-days, Christmas holiday, and lots happening. It's been a good winter so far and lots to be thankful for. So I'm going to play along with Angie :) She's my friend...:) What are some of your new/rediscovered loves/likes? So here it goes

we are finally seeing little fingers and big ones too :) playing music in our home. After 14 years and many many trips to look at pianos we have finally bought a piano. Daddy and the kids are thrilled, I just listen end enjoy :) The kids are finally taking lessons for a REALLY good price and taking initiative to practice, even Joe tries composing his own tunes... " happy birthday to myself " is his favorite :)
I'm also loving browsing on all the wonderful artistic people that make things on the Etsy shops and have just found some amazing talents . Just found a fun piece and can't wait to see it in the mail.
Digging through some of my old CD's ( B.B.king) and discovering
new one.
Shower gel from the
body shop It just has that amazing, edible scent. The grapefruit one is also incredibly delicious smelling. I'm very protective of it as I have 2 other girls constantly digging through my stuff :) and using half a cup each time.
I'm rediscovering my days alone with just my boy, as I finished babysitting I have much more time with him. We've been swimming a couple of times together ( with his girl " Rory" of course). It's been nice and much more quiet around the house which means still very loud. He's been using his imagination a lot more. building fires almost every day, which consists of dumping any small objects in a big pile like 1000 piece puzzle, monopoly money and there you go you have it, his project, just now he walked in grabbed a music book and nail clippers and said it's for my fire :) I might want to redirect his interest before I have a pyromaniac on my hands. He loves putting his hands on his hips when he shows me. Makes him look much more serious :) He's also enjoyed things like drawing circles all over his body, or anything that requires lots of clean up but how can I resist him when he says " you my best friend mom"

OK so he's number 4 and I'm just a big wimp!!!!
So this is my first attempt at blogging again.