Just when you think you have said I love you enough, just when you think you have kissed them more times than you can remember. Just when you think that if you squeeze them any harder you will break some bones, Just when you think you have told them so many times how much God loves them... They ask " I'm I special to God even if I have a lazy eye?" My Emma is going through a lot as our next door neighbors are moving this Sunday, she has been crying herself to sleep for the past 3 nights, asking me if we'll be able to have play dates when her friend moves to Greece?. Tonight whe talked for a long time as she sobbed over the lost of a very good friend. Then all the big discussions usually follow because she needs to know she is loved, that it's going to be o.k and that God will provide more friends. But it was so hard to see her just crying out for love when I think " isn't it obvious how much we love you and God loves you" . But no, she wanted to be told again just to feel safe, so I just held my baby and told her over and over what she wanted to hear and kissed her all over until I could see she was at peace, knowing she is special even with her lazy eye.