It's been a long couple of weeks, trying to find some peace in our lives, times like this I just want to go back to being a little girl and curl up in my mom and dad's arms for comfort, I miss you so much gros bizous
bits and pieces of our crazy life
Il fut un temps où je fus "délicate"!!! Je pense que c'étais un beau dimanche de printemps dans la cour de Mamie dans ma chère "swing"! On était une toute peite famille avec une Cooper América jaune canard! J'étais enceinte de Math The Kid.
Définitivement, ça fait longtemps.
Hi Sarah! Just checking out your blog...I've temporarily given up on mine:) As always, beautiful pictures. It's good to know you're doin great. Many blessings to you & your family,
Tita L.
One more thing..don't know if you got the recipe for "authentic salsa", but here's mine: Chop the following ingredients finely: tomatoes (prefferable vine ripe), spanish onion run through hot water first), cilantro, & a jalapeño pepper. Combine all these ingredients with lime juice, sea salt & black pepper & there you go...that's Salvadoran "Chirmol" or salsa. Enjoy!
Okay, Sarah, this was a great post but I've been looking forward to a new one for a long time!! : ) Actually I did want to say how much that looks like you...okay, okay, I know that it IS you, but it is funny how much we can still look like we did from so long ago. See you soon. Shannon
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