I love finding peace on my bed at night , when my room is clean :), specially if the sun is going down and there's a nice cool breeze. I t 's one of my favorite things to do ( probably because it doesn't happen too often) but it's so good, gives me time to think, refocus. I'm a little bit scared of the fall, scared to get back to the routine , the lunches , finding work, seeing less of everybody. I HATE change even though I know it's good for me and that is how I grow as a person I go into it kicking and screaming and resisting if I can, but the truth is that it's going to happen no matter what. Only couple more days of being home with the kids, of play, of beach , of late night with friends before it all goes back to fall routine, I'm hoping to find joy in my " routine" joy in change, an joy in growth even when it's not always fun, because I know it's good!!!
1 comment:
Juste pour te dire que j'ai téléchargé la photo d'un beau blond appuyé sur un arbre...
Il est vraiment "apétissant"
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