Well my taking it step by step new found motto is being tested. What was meant to be a nice day with my love ended up being cancelled because of well… life (he had way too much on his plate) but saying I was dumped kind of sounds good. . So here it goes 10 things to do when the day doesn’t go according to plan 1. Call your favorite girls to come to the rescue and help you plan your day so full that you don’t have to face your responsibilities at home ☺ 2. Take a nice looooong walk to your friend’s house because you have no car and you will not stay home. 3. Pick up a diet coke and pomegranate on the way at the grocery store just because you can. 4. Stop to let the unknown husky lick your son all over, and smile at the glow on his face (Joe) even though you wouldn’t let that big furry smelly thing come anywhere near you. 5. Decide to switch you original coffee plans to coffee+ the farm (just because you can). 6. enjoy a beautiful lunch at the farm and even squeeze in some shopping (when will I have enough baskets) 7. Pick up a free coffee on your way to one more store just one more mommy promises.
8. Make a bit more time to go to you’re the nursery to see all their new Christmas stuff and pick up couple new ornament for your tree (that hubby will after question you on??? Aren’t Christmas ornament suppose to be shinny not a solid chunk of wood??? ) Well I like wood + I wasn’t shopping with him ☺ ( shopping with girls does have it's perks.9. Make it back home to realize the cleaning lady never came and then realizing you are the cleaning lady. 10. Just be thankful that even though your plans changed you at least have amazing friends, a beautiful gorgeous sunny day and freedom to plan a great day with your son. there will be an other day to be out with the one I love :)