Monday, October 01, 2007

Taking it step by step.

Lately I'm trying to take each day as it comes or it all becomes so overwhelming to me. I've been able to find some work in the last month and it has been really good to know that it's not hurting our family time and it's helping with all the extra things that seem to always come up. I feel like the kids at the beach just going from one rock to the next, trying to find a safe dry spot to land. Do you ever wonder why we play that game taking the risk of slipping, getting wet, hurting ourselves I guess the challenge is still worth the risk. Through all of this process I have had to remember to give ALL of my uncertainties and insecurities ( their has been a lot of those) to God and it has been so wonderful to see the ways he has answered our prayers as a family and his faithfulness. Thank you for praying. The walk has been nice so far :) and I feel I have been stretched in good ways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Belle photo et beau texte. J'ai toujours gardé dans mon bureau un poster où il est écrit "God already made my day" et c'est ce que je souhaite pour tous les jours. Encore 3 dodos...