We had a good week-end. Got to spend some time with my brother and mimi on Friday night just hanging out, we bought some really nice sushi, and I was brave enough to try everything, raw fish and fish eggs. I have to say it was yummy, rather surprising but it's so much fun to challenge your taste buds. Since living in Ontario and being surrounded with so many different cultures I've eaten so many different things and it's wonderful to keep trying. We had a Saturday morning of chores and in the afternoon we split, daddy with the boys at hockey and me with the girls doing odds and ends for our trip. We had a lot of fun, stopping in to Terra Greenhouse to check out All the orchids they had. Have I ever said how I love that place :)
So much fun on a cold day to walk in that warm greenhouse and see geranium starting and tons of flowers. I've would love to buy an orchid but they are so expensive and I really don't know how to take care of them so it would be a personal challenge, but a fun one. We also did a lot of other stops and I listen to my girls and see how different we are in many small ways especially Maggy and I. She loves to dress in bright colors and would be flashy if she could :) I have to push myself to wear something else then black. She loves loud music, I love mellow. She hates talking on the phone, well ... She hates cheese, I couldn't live without out. So many more little detailed stuff but when it comes down to important things I love to hear her talk about what she values and to see that what we have been teaching her is becoming a heart thing, even with all of the pressures from kids her ages she is such a good girl and I'm so pround of her. On our stop we went to shop for shoes and I thought o.k girls lets go in and out and see if we can find anything WELL think again. Maggy had her pants rolled up and wearing bright red leather patten heels she comes walking down the isle saying " Mommy these are the shoes of my dreams" "I just love these shoes she kept saying" I just smiled and said they won't be great for the beach :) and Emma also found her dream PINK shoes but those were age appropriate. We probably spent 50 minutes as the girls just tried shoes after shoes, I thought next time I better be ready for this. They are growing to be there own little ladies It was fun to see that they knew exactly what they liked, and when it's just a matter of my taste over theirs well I can't force then to only wear earth tones because I love it :) but Maggy will have to keep dreaming about those red shoes. We are going on a girls night out tonight trying to find her "other" dream shoes.
What a great post, Sarah. Love the pictures (glad there was even one of you!). Want to challenge your taste buds? Come to Brazil. Well, maybe it is more like challenge your gag reflex when it comes to their traditional dish "feijoida". You just never know what pig part you might find!! I can relate very well with the different tastes of your girls. I'm glad you understand how important those differences are. Hope Maggy found just the right ones!!
Have a great vacation!
Love, Shannon
Je me souviens d'une fille qui aimait les robes à pois rose ou turquoise vers ses 9 ans. Ses goûts vestimentaires ont évolués avec l'âge.
Elle aimait aussi les sandales en bois à talon, ça elle a fini par les acheter. Peut-être pour réaliser un rêve d'enfance....
Bonne vacances, tu vas me manquer.
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