Hello everyone, I have been a very boring blogger once again but life has been good. We took off to Florida with the munchkins for about 10 days and had a really good time. The weather was gorgeous the whole time. I love road trips and hope the kids will cherish these times we spend together. Bartley always makes a new road trip CD usually with hits from the 80 the kids think it's soooooo cool. We sing a lot and they watch movies on his laptop, eat lots of junk, play road trip bingo to make the 24 hours or so go by faster. Small price to pay for the difference in price with flying. We went to the beach everyday, and brought enough shells back to start our own little store. We got to go pick oranges which for me was one of my highlights and drink the . We also rented a boat for the better part of a day to go see or more "find" the manatees. We were out on the boat for hours and finally on our way back got to see probably 6 or so of them. I can't believe how fast March is going by. Our Ladies Retreat at church is this week-end so I'm taking off in a couple of hours and will be getting back tomorrow night. And early Tuesday morning Bartley and I take off for San Diego for 8 days for his board meetings+ couple days of fun. Actually ALL fun for me :) I feel very blessed to have my wonderful sister who is willing to come here and keep my 4+ hers to allow her big sister to soak in the sun xox Pay back will come :) So in a couple of weeks I will hopefully be more interesting on my posts but for now I'm just kind of enjoying March and spring to the max and all the blessings.

1 comment:
Est-ce que c'est Jakob et Joe sur la plage? J'ai essayé d'idenfier tous les pieds...
Ca donne un goût d'été!
Passe de bonnes vacances.
J'ai hâte à Pâques...
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