We are back for good! our Month of March is over and busyness has started again, We had an amazing time. spent a week in San Diego for Some meetings that Bartey had followed by 4 days to ourselves. It was chillier than we thought but I can't complain. I think some of my favorite moments are when I get a chance to walk by myself in a town I don't know, new coffee shops, beautiful flowers and bushes everywhere it's good to think, refocus, breath. I am sooooo thankful for my wonderful sister who put up with my munchkins for over a week and blessed us once again with her generosity. We spent a day Tijuana just to say we went. Not quit the same side of Mexico we saw 4 years ago
Spanish class ( beginner :) came in handy as we drove around in the local buses and tried to get around but more importantly RETURN to the states. Now we're trying to get back to our routines and looking forward to the nice weather. I'm all excited about spring cleaning and doing some small project around the house, without spending money :) We have been in our home for a year an a half and I still haven't done anything to the kids rooms, actually anywhere upstairs ( my son still has a table cloth, hanging from his window) he said tonight as we talked about doing some stuff to his room. " I look like a cheapo !!!" and it kind of does look weird so I will challenge myself to "try" even if I might fail to accomplish what "I want", to my son anything but a green table cloth will be more than appreciated.

Random thoughts: I want to try cooking an artichokes this month and I was just surfing on a great web page and found this so I will conquer my fears of the unknown and try it not a big challenge but I have never tried them fresh so I'm really excited about that :) And I want to learn how to make authentic salsa, yum, yum. So that's it for today.
Très belles photos comme toujours! Tu as du talent. J'ai attrapé une belle sinusite et j'ai dû me frotter les yeux, ils sont tout rouge. C'est très chic au travail.
On va avoir de la neige demain et j'espère qu'après ce sera le printemps.... Good day! Momxxxx
nice pics...love the sunset. and, you made me sad again to look at the picture of the grammy and her girl. and the artichoke picture is beautiful.
but, where are the 'good' ones??! you know what i mean...pictures of the happy couple frolicking throughout california and mexico...if you're gonna go there, you've got to at least post some pics so I can live vicariously through you! ;) can't wait to see 'em!!!
Artichokes look like hand grenandes!
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