Well I've never been one to make a huge list of goals when the new year comes around, probably because 2 of those past years I've been busy giving birth and 2 of those years a month from giving birth. Bartley and I have always decided to let God show us what he had in store for our future, not that we don't make any plan. Bartley has his new year planner bought before the new year even starts and we do make long term plans ( like going away together :) yummy )but we've learn our plans can change pretty quick and then your either left feeling disappointed, like you have failed or undisciplined. As a mom I can feel that way a lot. Of course I want to be in shape and eat healthy, patient with my kids... blah blah but on my own it will probably last a big 4 weeks and then the February blues will come, the stomach flues and I'll feel in a big boring routine about to go crazy. I just hope this year we will keep making God happy with the way we live and raise our kids, and serve him out of love, not because it's our job. Bartley said to me last night that I needed more refocusing time to be quiet and have some thinking space, ( I had mildley freaked out at Jake at dinner). And I said but... He spilled butter all over my floor! and then husband said, " but Sarah, didn't you want kids? and I said but Joe pied all over the bathroom floor... And he said but Sarah" didn't you want kids? We have great conversations. So yes this was my life Goal to serve God with my husband and have a beautiful family like I have, but it's much harder then I thought on some levels. I never thought I would be that mom that gets upset because my house has been destroyed. You should have seen my room growing up. And sometimes I forget that they have to walk on my floor and make sweaty foot prints and eat supper and spill there water, buttery biscuit, fork ... On the floor and that they will pee twice on the floor because they are just learning, or that they will come in and out all day to go to the bathroom, drink, blow there noses, put mittens on, ask me to be the ref on there huge life crisis. They are just kids and it's so easy to be heavy on them and to forget how God has lent me those 4 beautiful lives with the hope and lots of praying that they will become adults that will seek to do his will and love him and have a real relationship with him . So many times this week my heart has felt full with love as I looked at them, with their friends, or Emma getting her first build a bear and her face as she saw the bear's birth certificate come out, Jakob being a pirate, or going with his friends on a huge hike, playing in the back of the big ugly green van ( it has no seats), watching Josef discover animals on a little day trip to a park in Toronto. I just think how much I love them, and even thought I might not have time to go to the gym every morning at a reasonable hour ( not 5:40) or I might have to babysit for a couple more years to make ends meet, or that I might not find out what it is that " I " like to do besides getting a thrill at the look of my clean floors, I love being a mom and wife to a wonderful men. So my goals for 2007 is to let God at work in me and I'm sure it will be good if I listen.