The kids have been loving the woods across our house, they get home from school put their skates on and travel through the trees to their "fort" they have cleared huge surfaces of the frozen water that has accumulated in the fall after it rains and under the snow they found "ICE" and I have to say it's pretty neat for living in the suburbs to find outdoor ice. Since we've moved here I have often worried what kind of upbringing the kids would have without nature all around them, but the constant little blessings of finding a precious ice patch for them to spend hours on or having parents in-law now live in Florida for the winter( and they have a dog, that Jakob can't wait to see) makes March Break really special. We have so much to be thankful for and it's good to remember those things. I'm loving the snow, missing beautiful Québec but loving where God has put me for the moment.

great pics again Sarah. the pinecones look amazing...and it's even fuzzy in the background. ;) and emma is a natural, maybe you should put her in modelling to help bring in a little extra. ;)well, that's all for to you soon.
La photo d,Emma est mon backgroud d'écran. J'aime bien regardé ses beaux yeux doux tout au long de ma journée.
Je pense que je commence déjà à m'ennuyer... c'est seulement le 1er février...
C'est vrai que la photo des cocottes de pins est super. Tu as réellement un talent de photographe ma grande! Bonne journée et bisouxxxxxxxxMOM
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