The icing on the cake to my long week. Here are some pictures of my week-end soup :( I have to say that I haven't been really thankful lately, even though I know I should be, it feels like there is a big fire of frustration raging inside, that I'm continually trying to put out. Not that the frustration of burning my whole supper isn't justify but where do I go from there. What do I feel like doing? You don't want to know. I started reading a great little book with a friend called
cultivating contentment and it has been making me think a lot all week. I thought I wasn't too hard to please, and I tend not to set my expectations to high fearing that I will be disappointed, but I guess they are still too high! I see it in my kids ALL the time, that
constent, I
waaaaaaant this, I wish I had
thaaat but I don't think of myself as having any huge discontentment issue, big reality check! So this week I'm hoping to hopefully move closer to a life that reflects the joy that I should have for simply being alive, and knowing that God should be the one filling that void of wants in my life even thought my list might seem insignificant, it is enough to plant a seed of unhappiness inside of me. In her book she has an awesome quote: Longings. Coming face to face with the fact that there are empty places in our lives that haven't been filled. Yearnings. Wanting more than we have: more love, more enjoyment, more passion, more hope, more rest. Cravings. The hope of finding something that will satisfy the rumbling we feel in the stomach of our soul. Nicole Johnson

So I'm not sure where that came from but it felt good :) So since I love writing silly list here is my thankfulness list:
- I'm thankful that the kids didn't notice too much the lovely taste of my soup.
- I'm very thankful for the snow that provides "hours" 7 to be precise, of fun for the kids
- I'm thankful for my brother and sister in law living minutes away and thinking of us on the week-ends
- I'm thankful for a very patient husband who has a very intense wife
- I'm thankful for God's forgiveness of my selfish and sinful state of heart
- there is so much more but I won't make this too too boring... even though I could go on.
Great post Sarah. Sorry about the stew...very annoying, I know. Great to have some snow for the kids though, eh? Hope you had a great weekend, other than the burnt stew, and burning inner rage. You're a very honest, caring friend and if you help me be accountable to being more content, then I'll do the same for you. Sound good? I'll start now...I'm thankful that I have such a great friend who lives so close by and whom I learn alot about being a great wife and mom from. (hint: she's french, intense, and makes a mean biscotti). ;) I know you hate it when people say I love you too much, but I'm gonna say it anyway...I love ya!
Okay, that was a little freaky. I just got finished sharing with the girls a verse that hit me square between the eyes--about being thankful even when we don't feel like it. Hebrews 13:15 reminds us to give a "sacrifice" of praise. Stress on the sacrifice--it doesn't come naturally thus the sacrifice on our part. (verse 16 is a good one too!) Um, that soup is looking mighty good to me!!
Love Shannon
Est-ce que je comprend bien? Est-ce que la 2e photos est le fond de ton chaudron brûlé?
Les photos d'Emma sont super!
J'ai reçu mes divans. Ouf! c'est beau mais gros!
A bîentôt.
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