It's almost Monday again, the week-end goes by too fast. The more the years go by, the faster life seems to pass. I still remember our first couple years of marriage religiously taking our Sunday naps. Now it's running from one thing to an other from the moment we wake up until everyone comes back from Awana. I have been ditched by hubby for football :( He had a really long day of non-stop work so he really does deserve a break. So here I am with earphones, diet coke, and lots of my favorite music blogging away to whoever cares about the small details of my life. Peace is wonderful. Last night I also got ditched by what I thought was a great friend, now I would rather call her an acquaintance. So off to Value Village I went on my own ( no Angie ) then I HAD to go to Chapters to drink a wonderful chai latte and browse for a whole hour at all the wonderful books, I love the smell of that store, paper and coffee, AND good music what a mix. It had been a rather long 2 weeks of watching kids, trying to keep some kind of order in the house and then round 2 of the flue came with Jakob having the stomach flue and Joe got a cold. Jakob has started his hockey tournaments so we're almost done with that. I am so pleased that we decided to finish the year even though it has been a big stretch for our family. I feel he learned a big lesson in finishing what you start. As a parent it's so hard to always have to make those critical decision in your child's life, that really shape the way they will learn to deal with hard circumstances that come up. Today Emma asked if she HAD to finish her puzzle if she started it?. It made me smile to know she was thinking hard about it.

We had a soccer coach call for Maggy to try out for the Rep soccer team, she was thrilled to know they thought she would be good enough she's so brave. I was all worried that she was insecure, meeting a bunch of vicious pre-teen girls, but nop she said: I don't care, she such a good girl ( xoxo) she sneaks to read my blog :) so I have to be careful what I say... Managing all of our lives and still having a life is extremely hard... We will learn to cherish our small family getaways.
So I think hubby has time for me now :) I'm thankful for our family, even if sometimes looking back on a week-end I really have to dig hard to find the " good moments". Tomorrow Bartley and I are off on a date so I'm looking forward to a fun time away from the house, the munchkins to snuggle up to my man for a night.

Salut ma belle
Moi, c'est la santé qui est dure: j'ai eu encore des palpitations dimanche soir.Ouf!
Je crois que je vais devoir passer au café déca... et surveiller le stress un peu plus.
Passe un beau lundi avec ton homme.
Merci pour les belles photos.
I love you gang.
Cute pics...and so glad that you and your man got to go on a date tonight! I hope you guys had a great time. Call me tomorrow if you're still talking to me...the friend that 'ditched' you...trust me, I really wanted to go but didn't want to ruin your night, 'cause you were looking so forward to it and I was 50/50 on even going out at all. anyway, you'll be happy to know I finally found a pair of boots for kier...$4 and in great shape! and a cute hat for me (no, don't worry...i didn't go to value village w/out you...i got them at the goodwill). well, must go do laundry before Cait wakes up. talk to you tomorrow!
You guys make the perfect couple! I honestly have never met two people that have four kids and are more inlove than ever. It's like you just got married, what drugs are you giving him?
Your old neighbour, hope you remember me!
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