Well today is just an extension of a very long night. Yesterday I thought It's my day off so before I start my crazy week, let me take a nice cup of coffee with Angie ( it was more like 3 :) I came back at a good time to cook supper and be organize so here comes the whining ... as I'm putting something in the fridge I knock over a full glass of orange juice (Maggy's) and it spills everywhere did I say EVERYWHERE so I slam the door, thinking I'll wait until it dries knowing how much harder it will be to clean up, so I re-open the door and tackle the 45 min job ahead so buy now hardly any time left so get my chicken, rice veggies for supper as I try not to loose it to a toddler that only seems to know one word MOMMY! MOMMY!MOMMY! sorry he also says CAR and Lighting McQueen . All I want is silence to think but that would be too much to ask, so by then after 2 loads, doing dishwasher blah blah the neighbors boys are at the door and are locked out, sure come in :) then the 3 +1 extra kids ( Maggy's friend ) come in my small tinny entry way. They are excited, hungry so much to say, have to get started on a project and I'm thinking breath in and out ( as I try to not hipper ventilate) so buy now I have 7 kids in the house MY house and the next door neighbor is at the door ( Emma's friend ) Well all I remember is sending her away without any recollections of what I had said. Our evening was full of school project, reading, going to the dollar store to get started on the birthday planning LOTS of phone calls, planning for the snow day. It's 11:00 and I'm a happy girl, I'm going to bed... but my baby gets up for half an hour until he starts trowing up (8-9) times until somewhere around 3:30 non-stop. I'm so tired right now and it's almost depressing to read my own post. Sometimes I wonder why I can't think of what my day was like or what I do and I'm learning more and more to go with the flow or the coucou hospital as I call it will be picking me up.
I've always wanted a big family, the kids friends invading our house, making hot chocolate and cookies for everyone, and now that I have it, I sometimes don't know how much more I can take. Today is Valentine's day and for us it's also Jake's B-day.

I haven't had a chance to say anything to hubby yet beside go sleep in Emma's bed, I need to sleep for an hour,my head hurts and drive safe, we kind of lose our self in this cahos called life, children, ministry and it gets so busy but just the fact that I wake up and look at him and crave spending more and more time with him, talking,laughing, sharing our heart and dreams and what God is doing in our lives makes my day. I don't want Roses (maybe a jade) or chocolate don't get me wrong I love treats but the overwhelming feeling of gratitude, respect and love that I have towards him after almost 14 years is better then anything material. God blessed me and now I can spend the rest of my life with my best friend and I love him more today then ever. I can't wait to get away to San Diego with him. so much for not having time to blog!!!