What do I get from round #3 of the stomach flue? Well lots of hugs and cuddles at times when I'm usually sleeping, I get to answer fun questions like is God in control of my vomit? because I would like to pray right now! and will it hurt more then this when I have a baby? followed by "can they put me to sleep?" with finally my 7 year old letting me know she wants an epidural for ALL her kids. I also get days off cooking because nobody is hungry, I get to bake my 60 cookies for church at 1:00 am I wasn't sleeping anyways and had been out until 11:30 PM with the girls ( a bit irresponsible but fun for a Saturday night :) We get to lay on the couch with lots of pillows and blankets for the whole afternoon watching "Babe the pig" and "Beethoven". We get to be thankful of our usual very healthy family. We get to try all the blankets and sheets in the house to see if they still work :) as we wash the dirty ones. I'm trying to be positive.
Well I bet you were all dying to know what's new at the Sawatsky's it's been a week without blogging shame on me :) Let's just say that my life for now revolves around my children the flue and babysitting. Nothing glamorous but LIFE. I was hoping to have exciting news to share this week but no. I will be babysitting 3 days a week for an other Month minus the time we'll be away. So when I have Joe and baby#2 all day things are all about cleaning there mess and getting ready for the 3:30 invasion of 5 more kids so I have to be ready to go. And Joe and Emma had the the stomach flue over the week-end. Only 2 more to go. So this week I'm hoping to get ready for our family getaway to Florida to visit Grammy and Grampy Sawatsy and have lots of fun on our 50 hour drive :) Enjoy every minute of the sun and the beautiful ocean. I'm hoping to get back on track with other house things and help the munchkins recover I also have to start packing and figure out if we have everything we need fo our trip. So is life at our house lately. There has been lots of good moments like a date downtown with hubby and a nice dinner at a place called Mr. Green, then a trip to Value Village with my friend Angie that included 2 Tim's coffee :) and last night we went out the 3 girls Myriam, Angie and me to have a girls night out. It was good to get together again, we haven't seen Myriam a lot since she's been working. Life is Good and God faithful.
1 comment:
You know, you really shouldn't put up a title like that. Someone might read just that and start a wonderful rumor like, Hey, I heard Sarah's expecting!
Hope you all have a great time in the sunny south.
Love Shannon
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