Saturday, February 17, 2007

Emma Bear turns 7

An other B-day for my baby girl, a very tired mommy.


Angie said...

she's so pretty. thanks again for inviting me and my brood to basically hang out with you all weekend...the kids had somuch fun, and so did I--I was out of the house. i'm so thankful that you're only minutes away, and can totally understand my psychoticness...makes me feel a little less psychotic...i am feeling horrible right now, but am determined to NOT get sick again, so swallowing as many pills as I can and acting like things are normal...working ok so far. but, no worries...we're still on for our value village run...just talked with you on the phone..wish i could hang out with you tonight, but i'll get my 'Sarah fill' tomorrow. ;)(that's a good thing, by the way). cu lata.

Anonymous said...


Elle est très belle. J'espère que Jakob et Emma ont apprécié l'effort de leur maman pour leur faire un beau "party".
Je pars pour Ottawa à 3h voir "Ti-Loup" et bien sûr un peu ses parents.
Bon week-end.