This last week has been a bit blah, I have been caufing since the first week of November and getting pretty tired of it. I am missing having snow big time, I am still not over the fact that Christmas is in Ontario this year. No beautiful Québec, watch out next year we'll go for 3 weeks :) I went to Terra Greenhouse ( a beautiful nursery here in Milton ) last week to pick up a small wall hanging with my gift from Maman et Papa ( it was my B-day) Bartley put it up today and it looks beautiful. I don't know why I love cast iron so much? I spent the day with Bartley and that was a really nice change to my monday morning. I usually don't babysit on mondays, but I did today and we had been really busy again over the week-end so it was nice just to be together.
10 random things about my day... 1) Watch world vision and cried ( again) 2) Got kicked out of the house by my husband for an hour walk ( the kids were sleeping and the sight of me crying while I was folding dish towels was probably a bit depressing. 3) Came back from my walk to cleanned floors and kitchen ( hubby is nice) 4) Manage not to cook, all the leftovers are gone :) yea!!! 5) Found out my washer is leaking again :( 6) Started to clean out the garage. 7) Had a really hot shower after all kiddies left. 8) I am drinking my second diet coke. 9) Had a slow day , but good with my man who did tons of little things around the house. 10) well I don't have one yet but it's just 6:20 the day is still young :)