Last night I was telling my great friend of a blogger Angie, that I found it really challenging to get work done quickly with Joe basically coming behind me and undoing everything I did. Well here was the perfect exemple. If you see a role of toilet paper in our house that hasn't been put on the hook, it as probably been stuffed with dirty old pieces of toilet paper that the kids have used to blow their nose on. One of the kids wonderful habbits ( I don't buy kleenex boxes a lot) is to blow their nose and then proceed to stuff the used piece into the middle of the role. So all that to say Maggy and I were cleaning the upstair bathroom and refilled the cupport with more roles. As I moved on to cleaning something else I noticed Joe had taken ALL the roles back out and was ripping a piece off each one, blowing his nose ( or he thought he was) and then stuffing each role. He must have thought they looked way to weird all nice and clean!!!! I'm starting to think I should get my cleaning done during the night while everyone is a sleep, maybe then I could pick up the pace a bit, but I might have a problem finding time to sleep during the day.
Allô cocotte! Elles sont belles tes photos. J'ai hâte à Noël pour te voir et passer du temps toute la gang ensemble. Passe une belle journée.
Happy birthday, sweety pie! Ton Joe est réellement craquant avec son papier de toilette!
J'espère que tu vas passer un bon 34e anniversaire et que tu vas t'offir une pause dans la journée.
Your mom xxxxx
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